“Hang Time, Her Time, ALL the Time”

May 23, 2019 | Magic of Hang Time

“Hang Time is a place where you can go and be yourself. We are a diverse group of people who want to see change for the better for ourselves, families, and our community. You get so much information it makes you hungry for more. I never been around a group of people with so much intelligence. We get deep. It is therapeutic for me . I look towards to being there every Tuesday. To come together we teach, encourage, uplift, laugh, cry whatever you feel you need to do. Assist with employment, housing, credit repair, so much more. We are all family we respect each other. We build each other up. Everyone is welcomed we have a good meal. We also take trips to historical places. We learn, learn, learn. Hang Time is not just about Tuesday it is about everyday. I have a different outlook on what is going on right in front of me and all around the world…..A great experience come see for yourself. Hang Time is making me a better me. There is so much power in the room that keeps getting better ….”