Jorcetta Jones is our Hang Timer of the Month for April, 2024

Apr 10, 2024 | Article, Hang Time, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Jorcetta and her daughters Dominique, Amiyah and Monique came to Hang Time looking for support. They found that support and much more at the Hang Time Family meetings.

Jorcetta has a busy life with three teenage daughters, A job as a Dietitian at Hartford Health and another job guiding Autistic children for the Department of Developmental Services.

Bridgeport has been home to them for six years after moving here from Queens. NY. At first she said it was quite an adjustment being in Bridgeport. “SInce then we have settled in and we really like it here. The one thing I will never understand is the way people drive in Connecticut and I am from New York!” So true.

Two years ago when Jorcetta was given a 90 day sentence in Federal Prison, she had no support or family to turn to. During that 90 day period she was moved from Brooklyn, NY to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma then to Pennsylvania before being released. Her oldest daughter, Monique was 17 at the time and had to step up to care for her two younger sisters. This was a big responsibility for Monique as she had to be s a parent. She paid the rent, shopped for groceries, prepared meals and supported her sisters. She carried the responsibility and rode to the occasion. She did a spectacular job.

During her time away Jorcetta was recommended to the Rise Program by our Hang Time regular Billie ______ and Sara Emir. She was impressed by Sara and Billie’s relationship and enjoyed their company. Carmen at the Rise Program was also especially helpful to Jorcetta in making her progress.

“Going to prison changed me as a person. My mindset needed to shift regarding who I was and what I wanted to model to my daughters. I am also more aware of who I will allow to be among my children. I lived the single Mother experience with zero support and I do not want that for them. I am hell bent to support them in this.” Jorcetta has managed to get housing, and not one but two automobiles. “I have the money I need to support my girls and that feels just wonderful.”

“When I walked into Hang Time the complete staff treated me with love and care. They cared for us like a Mother, Friend, Family for LIFE. They have helped me with so many issues I had to deal with. No questions asked, they just reached out and made it happen for us. To say I am grateful is an understatement. For the Family and specifically for Crissy Gray as she has been instrumental in guiding us and giving constant support.”

“Now that I see what a difference support makes, I want to give back to the community also. I have been through so much. I have been on the top and on the very bottom. Now I appreciate the process of making changes happen. I also really appreciate my kids. I am so proud of them.”


We asked Jorcetta some questions:

What is your favorite Genre of music?
Rap! I really love Rod Wave.

Where would you like to travel?
The Bahamas.

One fact people may not know about you?
People do not believe I am the Mother of a 19 year old!

How do you make change in the world?
I put positivity into the atmosphere. If negative things happen, I look to see what is in God’s Plan.”

What does Hang Time mean to you?
Hang Time means everything to me. I think about it every single day. I work a 12 hour day on Tuesday but I always get to Hang Time and bring my girls. I can’t believe the impact and the change it has made in my life. I tell people that I can go to a meeting and sit next to a District Attorney, a Cop, or a member of the FBI! These are people I would only have seen in prison. They don’t believe it’s real and I don’t believe it myself, but there we are. I am going to make it. I get to be myself and be exactly who I am. I wouldn’t change it for anything. I wake up humble and blessed.