Tabitha McNeill is our Her Timer for the Month of April, 2024

Apr 10, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Tabitha McNeill is our Her Timer for the Month of April, 2024

Apr 10, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Growing up was not an easy time for Tabitha in Bridgeport. One of nine siblings, she has seven brothers on her Fathers side and one sister, Latrinda, on her Mothers. She experienced significant bullying during her school years in Bridgeport. She endured abusive relationships with men and placed her trust in friends who betrayed her. All of these experiences combined led to her sons being taken from her by DCF. Tabitha now has a powerful purpose in her life. That purpose is regaining custody of her two sons, Tyshawn (8) and Zayden (3). Tyshawn lives with her Aunt Michelle. His Father has visitation and sees him often. Zayden is in foster care with a couple. Tabitha has been struggling to straighten out the situation with DCF to be reunited with Zayden first, then proceed with Tyshawn. Throughout this time Tabitha has been blessed with several influential people in her life. These people believed in her and supported her throughout all her turmoil. Her Grandmother Helen took her in and cared for her when her own Mother was no longer able to. Her Aunt Michelle McNeill currently cares for her older son. Her “Spiritual Mother “ is Felicia Williams, a leader in her church The Proceeded World International Ministry. “I have to also mention Crissy Gray from HangTime/Her Time. She helps me every week with rides to Doctors, taking me for groceries and home support. Crissy listens to me and helps me make important decisions. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her.” Tabitha returned to school and became a Certified Nurses Aide. She now has a career with several regular clients that request her consistently. “These are people who need help taking care of themselves. I love my work and keep them clean and healthy and well fed. I also take care of their medical needs. My Supervisors appreciate how reliable and available I make myself for them. The patients and supervisors can always count on me to be there and do my best. I love my clients and they love me.” Tabitha is close to her Father, Michael Myers, who returned this month after eight years of incarceration. “I was always a Daddy’s Girl being the only girl and the youngest of eight” She is making an effort to reunite with her older brothers and rebuild relationships with family for her two sons. Tabitha was chosen to be Her Timer for April because of her determination and her strength. She not only has made significant progress towards her goals but she inspires others through her work.  
We asked Tabitha a few questions:
What is your favorite Genre of music? “Gospel, R & B Kiska Coles” Where would you like to travel? “I will go to DisneyWorld in Florida with my two sons once we are together again.” One fact people may not know about you? “People do not believe I am the Mother of a 19 year old!” How do you feel you make a difference in the world? “I work as a Certified Nurses Assistant and I love my work so much I would like to open my own business. I have three clients who request me regularly. I love them so much. I am always there for them. If I won the lottery I would build homes and get people off the street.” What is one thing people don’t know about you? “People don’t know that I see life differently now. I am better than I was as my younger self and am ready to fight for my sons. I want to speak out about DCF, talk again to Channel 12 News and participate in rallies to make positive change in the system. In 2024, I am not giving up. I am learning boundaries and not letting people take advantage of me. I am learning to say No!” What does Her Time mean to you? “I find it inspiring to be around positive people . I feel I can tell my honest story and not feel others judgment or have people look at me funny. You can just feel the support of everyone in the room.”