Ashley Deal is our Her Timer for the Month of July, 2024

Jul 23, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Ashley Deal is our Her Timer for the Month of July, 2024

Jul 23, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Ashley Deal has become an integral part of our Her Time crew.   Ashley started College at Louisiana State University then Covid hit.  She joined a sorority Alpha Delta Pi (remotely) and with her Sisters  did many projects to support the Community.    “I loved the feeling of working together to serve people and make their lives better.” Junior year she transferred and finished her degree in Psychology at the University of New Haven.  Ashley had heard about Hang Time and wanted an internship.  A contact she had at CAGV (Ct Against Gun Violence) raved about Hang Time/Her Time and connected her with our Executive Director, Michele Litt.  Ashley came on board and now she is ours permanently.   

Ashley works for both Her Time and Hang Time and she feels it is symbiotic.  “Both groups work so closely together.  There is a lot of crossover.  Knowing one helps me to understand both more easily.”    Ashley has decided to go for her Masters at the University of Bridgeport in a special program where she teaches kids during the day and completes her Masters studies simultaneously. She hopes to teach in Bridgeport.

Born in Trumbull she loved growing up there.  “No one locked their doors and we knew all the neighbors.”  She and her four siblings are very active and athletic, mainly focusing on soccer.   Ashley chose cheerleading,  starting in middle school.  After an injury in High School, she was offered the opportunity to Coach cheerleading and found she really enjoyed the experience.  She got to travel to many places for the competitions and it taught her many life lessons she uses today.  

Ashley feels she has found her calling  in the field of Re entry and her experience at Her Time has only strengthened it. “The re-entry population is my passion.  It is so rewarding seeing the difference we  can make.”  

We asked Ashley a few questions:

What is your favorite music genre? Folk, Pop.  I LOVE Taylor Swift.  I went to see the show and was blown away by the stamina she has and the special effects they created to entertain her audience.  I will never forget it.

Where would you like to travel? I would like to hike the Grand Canyon with my Father.  

How do you make a difference ? By supporting people and letting them know someone cares.  

What is something people do not know about you?  I am kind.  I believe kindness can change anything. 

What does Her Time mean to you?  There are no words that can express what Her Time means to me.  It makes me feel so much, hopeful, included, happy.  The feeling in the room is not something you can understand unless you have been there and felt the community and support and love.”