Adetola Adetona is our Hang Timer for the Month of May, 2024

Jul 23, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Adetola Adetona is our Hang Timer for the Month of May, 2024

Jul 23, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Adetola (Tola) Adetona,  at 20 years old,  recognizes his ability to influence people.  He is a slender young man who speaks in a rich baritone voice. He recognizes that people respond to him and he wants to be sending the right message using that gift.  His first love is music.  He writes music, sings and   plans to make music his career. 

Tola grew up in Bridgeport, born to Nigerian, Haitian and Dominican parents with two brothers and one sister.  He played Basketball in 8th grade.  He was very close to his oldest brother and looked up to him as a child. His Brother  went on to join the Marines.  He hasn’t been living in their home for several years. Tola says,  “Him leaving made me realize I had to find my own path and rely on myself.“   Currently Tola works two jobs, one at Champs selling sneakers and one with Evolution,  an online gambling App.    He was quick to say “I’m not doing the gambling though!”   

Tola experienced being misidentified by police and was in jail for one day.  This experience “Impacted me, made me open my eyes and focus up.  It put my feet on the ground and gave me motivation.  It also showed me who really cares for me in my life.”

Tola’s Mother, Maquena, is a friend of Charlie Grady and a supporter of Hang Time.  She suggested Tola attend Hang Time as she found it supportive but also informational.  His Father C.J. has attended meetings also.  He has found this to be true and attends regularly.  “I like the meetings because they have a family vibe and lots of good energy.” 

We asked Adetola a few questions:

What is your favorite Genre of music?

Hip Hop and Rap.  A couple favorites are Lil Durk and NBA Young Boy.

Where would you like to travel?
Japan!  I used to read a lot of anime and I have seen videos of Japan that look so beautiful.  I am also interested in the food with the noodles and the way they prepare it. I also like chopsticks!

One fact people may not know about you?

I love to eat and I eat a LOT!

How do you feel you make a difference in the world?

I am inspirational to others.  People look up to me. I leave a mark on them.  I do this by being what I am, AUTHENTIC.

What does Her Time mean to you?

Hangtime is a good place to be.  It has opened my eyes to a lot of things.  I wasn’t sure when I started but I continue to go on my own now.  I always learn something and we laugh.  It really is a Family.