Pastor Carl McCluster is our Hang Timer for the Month of June, 2024

Jul 24, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Pastor Carl McCluster is our Hang Timer for the Month of June, 2024

Jul 24, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

When Pastor McCluster attends Hang Time we meet the Pastor but we also glimpse Carl, the man that grew into that role.  We witness the deep relationship he has with God and also his humanity.   He is in his 30th year a Senior Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church in Bridgeport.  His congregation is loyal  and his far reaching network is remarkable.

Carl was raised on Army bases in Germany, Nebraska, Maine, Ohio and finally in Georgia as his Father was a Sgt and recruiter in the Army and eventually the Air Force.   “There was a camaraderie being an Army Family on these bases  as we were all in similar living circumstances. We had all been moved around and would meet people we had known on other bases  along the way.” He excelled at soccer and enjoyed a disciplined,  happy family life with his parents, brother and two sisters.

After High School He was accepted into the Air Force Academy.  This was a very structured lifestyle for him.   The meals were so disciplined that a cadet could only chew a bite of food three times.  If he chewed more, he could receive demerits.  He smiled when he said his talent in Soccer got him the privilege of sitting at the older cadet soccer players  table.  This was much more relaxed and gave him some status.   There he excelled until being stopped while possessing marijuana which led to losing rank and a stay in Fort Leavenworth,  the Army prison/retraining Brigade for 6 months.

Before he was sentenced he made a trip back to his Father and Mother’s 25th wedding anniversary.   “It was a long flight back to Atlanta. My Father picked me up from the airport. I didn’t know what the man I respected most would say.  We drove quietly for a few minutes. Then he  shared a mistake he had made as a young man and challenged me.  “We all make mistakes, the question is will you wallow in self pity or rise up and be the man God made you to be?  I always remember that and try to rise.”    At the end of his term of service he was honorably discharged and awarded a Meritorious Service Medal.

McCluster admits to having many blessings in his life and they only strengthen his belief in God and his desire to help others.  He was given an opportunity to attend Colorado College  for a very minimum tuition due to his soccer skills and desire to help coach junior league teams.  His Master of Divinity Degree was earned at Virginia Union University and he pursued an Organization and Management degree at Yale.  He was an Assistant VP at Manufacturers Hanover Investment Banking DIvision.  Currently he is Managing Director for F.R.E.E.D.O.M.  (Faith Restoration Empowerment & Economic Development Outreach Ministries, Inc) which is a National consultancy to support Faith Based Community Development.  They now have affiliates in eighteen cities in the United States.

While his resume and accomplishments are vast, his empathy is ever present.  When Family at Hang Time speaks of challenges you can see the Pastor perk up.   After meetings he connects  with them in an effort to offer support.  When he speaks, it is always something memorable but also very real.

Carl McCluster has lived in service and through challenge and has retained his humanity and fire.  He is deeply committed to helping people.   It is the essence of every move he makes.

We asked Carl a few questions:
What is your favorite Genre of music?

Gospel. I listen to it every day and in the evenings.  Secondary choice is Jazz.

Where would you like to travel?
I want to go on a cruise with SIlverSea Waterways.   They are small ships and you get a suite with a balcony.  The food is great and they go all over the waterways in Europe.

One fact people may not know about you?

I would love to be able to sing.

How do you feel you make a difference in the world?

I make an effort to help people meet God, then the relationship develops and it changes their world.

What does Her Time mean to you?

“I spend my week guiding and counseling people every day.  Tuesday night at Hang Time is my opportunity to be with Family and refill my own cup.  I love Hang Time and all it brings.  I also need Hang Time to continue the work I do.”