Jim “Jimmy” Gardner is our Hang Timer for the Month of August 2024

Aug 10, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Jim “Jimmy” Gardner is our Hang Timer for the Month of August 2024

Aug 10, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Jim (Jimmy) Gardner of Waterbury has been chosen as Hang Timer of the

Month for August 2024.

Jim Gardner has experienced multiple traumas in his life.  He was incarcerated for 18 years, upon release, he went to visit his mother & was involved in a serious car accident.  In 2022 he lost his only son & a Grandchild in 2023.  What is his response to this?  He is practicing forgiveness & self-love.

After being released, he was involved in a serious car accident.  He broke his leg in several places and incurred a head injury.  During his rehabilitation he was prescribed Percocet for pain. He “started popping them” & became addicted.  From there he moved on to street drugs. He had never indulged in those before this time. This led to another difficult period for him.

When his son passed away in 2022, he struggled & relapsed. Now Jim attends CCAR which “has helped me stay on the path to recovery.  “I went to them & I asked for help.  I had Bipolar depression and PTSD.  I had been alone too much, for so long, that I needed to regain my balance.  For me being unbalanced = chaos.”  Now he has a new direction.  His motivation is fueled by his commitment to his three Grandsons:  Devante 6, Sebastian 4 and Armius 2.  He also reconciled with his only daughter, Kareama, after 20 years, when his son passed away.

There are three women in his life that he holds in high esteem.  They support him with their positivity & belief in him.  They are his Aunt Shonda Henderson, the boy’s Grandmother Rashon Wilson (currently raising the boys) & Anna Ocasio the boy’s aunt.

Jim has been busy earning his OSHA 10 Certificate & is working on the next level.  He is getting his driving permit reinstated & received a Workplace Certificate. “I believe actions speak louder than words.  You don’t need to say anything, they see the way you are growing & they learn from that.” I believe in being Magnetic.  People are drawn to you or repelled by you.  You make the decision who stays.”


We asked Jimmy a few questions:
What is your favorite Genre of music?

“R&B, Hip Hop. We only had a radio for years so we took what we could get.”

Where would you like to travel?

One fact people may not know about you?

“I am a gentle giant.  I am honorable.”

How do you feel you make a difference in the world?

I lead by example.  Many of us are in similar situations & if people see what I’ve been through & see that I am moving in the right direction, they see that they can do it also.

What does Her Time mean to you?

“I feel like I can talk at Hang Time & say what I really feel. I am big on observing before speaking.  I won’t indulge in the negative. If I meet you & you start talking negative stuff, I ain’t interested in being around you. I don’t want any part of it. I focus on positivity.  Change is hard & I am doing the best I can. I want to set a good example.”