Robin Copney is our Her Timer for the Month of September 2024.

Sep 13, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

Robin Copney is our Her Timer for the Month of September 2024.

Sep 13, 2024 | Article, Hang Timer of the Month, Her Timer of the Month, Magic of Hang Time

 Robin Copney is our Her Timer of The Month for September 2024 from New Haven, CT.


Robin Copney is our “Her Timer of the Month” for September, 2024!

Robin (you may know her as Passion) Copney is part of our New Haven Her Time Family.  She lived in New Haven and New Jersey early in life, moved to West Virginia and has returned.  She feels strongly about her New Haven community and has big plans to support it.   

Currently Robin is struggling with homelessness.  Her positive attitude has her looking forward not only to having her own home, but planning to impact the system to make it better for others.  She learned about Her Time when our staff visited Martha’s Place where she temporarily stays.   She was reluctant to go but when she attended a Her Time Meeting, she was very impressed.

 “I am a positive person and I see the people who run Her Time and feel that positivity.”  

Robin uses that positivity in her legal battle to save her Mother’s home in North Carolina.  She is battling a family member who wants to take possession of the home on the grounds that her Mother is incompetent.  When  Robin’s Step Father died they came after the house.  Robin insists her Mother is extremely competent.  Her Mother Laverne was a Psychiatric Nurse, a Model and Mother to nine (now) adult children. She was also the first black female Mortician to get a license.  Robin  is in search of the best representation for them and is finding it difficult to manage the cost of hiring a lawyer.   

“Growing up I was very athletic. I played Basketball, Gymnastics, Softball and Gymnastics.  I’m also a musician, I play the Trumpet, French Horn and some Saxophone.”  Soon she will become a Grandmother as her only Daughter, Pilar, is due in a few months.  Her Father was a Coal Miner and his Father before him.  That makes Robin and her sister Alita true Coal Miner’s Daughters.  “Everybody knows Loretta Lynn but nobody tells the stories of all the black Coal Miners there were in West Virginia.  I plan on writing that story once I get my place.” 

She is extremely close to her Mother and when she lived with her, “I did everything for her.  I cut the lawn, cooked the meals, bought her clothes,and took her to get her hair done. I even brought her flowers every week. I’m also named after her, Robin Laverne Copney!”   She

plans to reunite with her Mother after she secures the legality of her home

Robin is better known as Passion in her New Haven Neighborhood.  That will be the name of her LLC.  She said  “Tell everybody at Her Time and Hang Time that PASSION is about to Show up and Show OUT so LOOKOUT! “   

We asked Robin a few questions:

What is your favorite Music Genre:  “R & B”.   

Where would you most like to travel:  “Jamaica, I’m the only one in my Family that hasn’t been out of the Country.”

What do you do to change the world?  “I help people with anything and everything.  I am a very loving, giving and positive person. Your heart is connected to your smile.  If we aren’t smiling then what is this all about?  

What is something people might not know about you?  “I have a plan that will solve the housing problem in the United States.  I also have a plan and some sponsors for a “Telethon For The WORLD.”  We need to all come together and stop all this fighting. We should pass  love onto the kids.  We must all help them grow in wisdom.”  

What does Her Time mean to you?  “When life is frustrating, that adds to your nerves, for real.  When you meet a group of people who truly open their arms to you, even when not knowing you at all, you have met your Family.  Her Time is Family.”  Passion loves the kids and wants us all 

To help them grow in Wisdom.